Solutions & Services

Registry and Notary Management

This integrated solution consists of applications for each of the areas of registry and notary:

SIRC - Civil Registry

SIRP - Land Registry

SIRCOM - Commercial Registry

SIRAUTO - Vehicle Registration

The usual challenges

Integrated solution for the computerisation of Registries and Notaries with a view to modernising the fundamental structures of the Rule of Law.

Streamline processes with public entities such as registry offices, central services, registry shops, among others.
Step Ahead
Making the allocation of human and technical resources more profitable
Step Ahead
Respond to citizen requests with a fast and quality service
Step Ahead
Respond to citizen requests with a fast and quality service
Step Ahead
Facilitate the storage or archiving and processing of information
Step Ahead
Increase the levels of reliability and security in accessing the available information
Step Ahead

Main objectives to be achieved

The Creation of Records...

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The Creation of Registers in accordance with the procedures in force in the law

The Process Management...

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Process Management with the possibility of aggregating sets of related documents within the same registration process

Financial Control...

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Financial Control through the Preparations item and respective approval, on the basis of the Emoluments tables in force

The Digitalisation...

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The digitalisation of documents to complete the process (making the whole process accessible for consultation)

The Work Lists...

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The Work Lists organised (according to the designed flow)

The Issue of Documentation...

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Issue of documentation such as vouchers for the withdrawal of forms, declarations or duplicate copies of registrations already made

The Data Query...

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Data Query through comprehensive searches that allows you to find Processes and Data in a short period of time

Documents Production...

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Document Production (Word) for the creation of various documents and proofs

User Management...

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The User Management that allows the creation and management of logins and users