We uncomplicate processes, making them efficient and secure.
We convert paper documents into digital and manual into automatic, allowing you to manage the lifecycle of documents and processes through an integrated solution.
Multi-device access, 24/7.
Solution for public sector and companies.
Parameterized processes
Public sector, Industry,
Banking, Insurance ...
Maturity of the solution
Classified documents
Digitize documents, automate processes and centralize everything in one place.
A complete solution to simplify document and process management. Activate information management.
Make your processes more efficient, secure and transparent with automated workflows.
Lack of organization and document control
Manual and inefficient processes, without automated workflows
Lack of security and compliance
High storage and
printing costs
Lack of harmonization of document templates
Difficulty finding documents
With two decades of continuous development, our Document and Process Management solution has reached a level of maturity that has allowed it to pre-configure (verticalize) various business processes, enabling organizations to adopt it quickly and effectively.
Take advantage of our solution:
The optimized and ready-to-use processes include:
With these initial configurations, your organization will be able to adopt the solution immediately, benefiting from practical and efficient features from day one.
Pre-configured business processes
Asset management
Pre-configured business processes
To optimize your time and resources through automated workflows
Proven experience
20 years of expertise at your service in Document Management
Fast implementation
Small customizations for an accelerated time to market.
The ideal solution that guarantees efficiency and agility in document and process management.
Document organization and control
Easy access to documents and files
Automated and efficient processes
Security and compliance guaranteed
Harmonized documents
Reduced printing and filing costs
Ecosystem where all users live together
Digital signatures
Send emails and automatic integration of incoming emails
Document organization and control
Easy access to documents and files
Automated and efficient processes
Security and compliance guaranteed
Harmonized documents
Reduced printing and filing costs
Ecosystem where all users live together
Digital signatures
Send emails and automatic integration of incoming emails
Imagine an organizational landscape where information flows freely, without obstacles.
Where to find what you need is as easy as remembering what you're looking for.
The dream landscape is called Elastic Search, a native feature of our Document and Process Management.
Its power is encapsulated in our Document and Process Management solution, making searching and organizing documents and processes a fast, efficient and intuitive experience.
Do + with Elastic Search.
Find information in seconds
Even if it's stored in terabytes of data.
Automate tasks
Repetitive and optimize your workflow with workflows.
Gain powerful insights
Intelligent information tailored, organized and geared to your search.
Free native tool:
Centralized and secure archiving:
Free native tool
Centralized and secure archiving:
Digital storage of documents and files
Digitization, workflow management and document control
Access control and security
Document search and retrieval
Digital signatures
Integration with email and office
Integration with other systems in use
Digital storage of documents and files
Digitization, workflow management and document control
Access control and security
Document search and retrieval
Digital signatures
Integration with email and office
Integration with other systems in use
Your key platform for reducing bureaucracy
and verticalizing business and processes
Your key platform for reducing bureaucracy and verticalizing business and processes
SIGA Cloud is a complete solution for managing your business holistically.
Its resources make it possible to increase efficiency, productivity and growth.
Find out more about the benefits for your business.
We collaborate in defining the implementation strategy to best meet your needs.
We integrate SIGA Cloud with other systems, such as ERP and accounting systems.
We have developed new functionalities so that SIGA Cloud adapts to your business.
Implementation and Configuration
Colaboramos na definição dos processos a serem otimizados. Implementamos e configuramos o SIGA Cloud de acordo com os seus requisitos. Migramos os seus dados de outros sistemas.
Desenvolvemos soluções personalizadas, específicas para a sua empresa. Criamos campos, objetos e relatórios personalizados. Automatizamos os seus processos de negócio.
Oferecemos suporte técnico e funcional com um prazo de resposta célere. Prestamos aconselhamento e esclarecemos dúvidas. Treinamos os utilizadores para que eles retirem o máximo proveito da soluções.
Strategic consulting
We collaborate in defining the implementation strategy to best meet your needs.
Integration with other systems
We integrate SIGA Cloud with other systems, such as ERP and accounting systems.
We have developed new functionalities so that SIGA Cloud adapts to your business.
Mapping and migration of data and documents
Change management and training strategies
Platform administration, digitalization and document control
Training for administrators and users
Monitoring and maintenance of the solution
Development of new features
Mapping and migration of data and documents
Change management and training strategies
Platform administration, digitalization and document control
Training for administrators and users
Monitoring and maintenance of the solution
Development of new features
Ask for a quote or schedule a free demonstration.
Make the most of the Document and Process Management platform
to boost the growth of your business.
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